Sergey Zalmanovich Sverdlov
    Ph. D., dozent of chair of applied mathematics

    160600, VSPU, Chair of Applied Mathematics
    S.Orlova street, Vologda, Russia

    Phone: +7 (8172) 72-07-41


Courses (1998/99)


Some publications (All in Russian)

  1. Ariphmetics of syntaxis. PC Week/RE ¹42-43, 1998.
  2. Big small Oberon language. PC Week/RE, #35 (109) 9/9/1997
  3. Oberon - embodiment of Niklaus Wirth dream. Computerra, #46 (173) 25 Nov 1996
  4. Draw the Pascal and C program. Informatica,  #23, June 1997
  5. Object-oriented programming: results of the not planned experiment. Mir PC, #3'95
  6. Introduction in methods of compilation. Vologda, "Rus", 1994, ISBN 5-87822-049-0
  7. Simple way of construction of the overlay programs. Mir PC, #7-8'95
  8. Let's understand with a palette. Mir PC, #10'95
  9. How to draw the program. Informatics and Education, #3, 1994
  10. Some features of Borlang Graphic Interface. Computer Press, #8, 1994
  11. BASIC for the micro-computer "Iskra-1256". Microprocessor systems, #2, 1988

Village Goritzy (Kirillov rayon, Vologda oblast)

job compiler    j.class optimizer